Thursday, September 23, 2010

Healing Vingerkraal

At first glance Vingerkraal looks like any other small village in South Africa-- tin houses, kids playing soccer, dust, and some trash lying around. But this village has a tragic story...

About 2 months ago 17 children were caught between a bush fire and an electric fence. 10 of the children died from burns, 4 are still in the hospital, and 3 have made it home to Vingerkraal. This is not the only problem Vingerkraal faces. The village is without electricity, with the exception of the one school, they frequently run out of water, and there are practically no jobs there. The unemployment rate is about 80%. The people of Vingerkraal are all from Namibia and other African countries and have pretty much been used by the government and forgotten by everyone. They purchased the land that the village is on; however, the government insists it's theirs and the local lodges aren't too fond of them being near their high-end estates. Rumor has it that someone started the bush fire that resulted in the children’s death.

When we heard about Vingerkraal we decided to spend a week working in the community. We simply tried to show them that we care about them, but more importantly that God cares about them and there is always hope! We did school presentations, soccer clinics, surveys, and service projects throughout the week. It's evident that the people are still mourning the death of the children, and that they are desperate for God. Several of the people surveyed said that they needed bible study leaders to help them.

Among all this pain and tragedy I saw hope. I met a young man by the name of Hilarious (yes, that's spelled right). He was 20 years old and got saved about a year ago. I could see the hope in his eyes. He cared about the people of his village, and unlike many young people, had a plan for his future. He had a true understanding of who Jesus was and the cost of being a disciple, something that is rare to find in Africa, and America for that matter. I took the opportunity to encourage Hilarious and let him know that God could use him as the leader that Vingerkraal needed. I shared my story about how I had started leading bible studies at KSU when I was the same age as him. I didn't feel qualified and was a pretty quiet guy, but I told him it’s not about what I could do, it’s about what God could do through me, and that the same applied for him. He was hesitant about it at first, but he said he was willing to give it a try with the help of his friend Antonio, who is planning on studying theology next year at University.

I also saw joy among other members of the village. It’s crazy to think that they can be so joyful when they have so little, but most Africans I meet are very happy, much happier than many of the Americans that I know- even though they don’t have a computer, Ipod, car, house, or even very many clothes.

I feel like most of us have missed the mark when it comes to joy and peace… Recently God has given me a lot of peace and joy in my life. After years of being saved and hearing how God cares for us and has everything under control, it’s finally starting to sink in. In many of the books I’ve been reading recently it talks about how Christians are supposed to have a peace and serenity about them, so much so that anyone who doesn’t have it instantly longs for it and asks themselves “What’s different about that person?”. I realized that is something that is not displayed in my life very often. I spend hours fretting about what’s coming next in life, and am I really doing God’s will, and what is His will for my life anyways?... The truth is, God is more concerned with our love and friendship, and doing what He wants us to do today, than what our 5 year plan is. The only way we can have this peace, joy, love, and the other fruit of the spirit is by allowing The Holy Spirit to work in our lives! If you are saved, then you have the Spirit of God living in you! He’s called our Comforter and Counselor. He’s there to help you, but you have to listen to Him…. And then do what He asks of you. Sure, it may be out of your comfort zone, but don’t you think that God knows better than us? I mean He was able to create the whole Universe without our help; certainly He can help us make the right decisions in life.

My question for you is this… Is your life so directed by the Holy Spirit and so filled with peace, joy, love, self-control, and the other fruit that someone who met you would ask themselves what was different about you? And are you allowing God to take you outside of your comfort zone to the place that your friends know that what you are doing has to be from God?....... I’m not there yet, but I’m asking the Holy Spirit to help me. I pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to you and that you will do what He asks of you. If you read this and feel something tug in your heart, know that it’s straight from God, not me. It’s for His glory that I am writing these words, not my own praise.

I ask that you would please pray for Vingerkraal, and especially for Hilarious.

I hope you all have a blessed week, and that the Holy Spirit will speak something to you today.

Paul Cook


  1. I'll certainly pray for the Vingerkraal people and for Hilarious.

    Thanks for this Paul, it's great to see how the Lord is working in your life. And thank you for the beautiful and encouraging words!


  2. It's been good to read how God is working in your life. Not many young men are out there serving our Lord and Savior. We desperately need more men to do that. Will try to remember and pray for you, the Vingerkraal peple and Hilarious.
    Amy {your cousin Barabara's daughter}

  3. Dang man, that's sweet. I'm glad to hear everything God is doing over there. Can't wait till you're back over here, even if it's only for a season. Eternity is ever before us!

  4. Thanks Paul. I do tend to frett, especially over spiritual things. That was a good word, and I needed to hear that.

  5. Thank you very much you did something that we the burned children will hardly forget.
